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Never leave home without it.

    It is one of the basic items that we should carry everyday. Today we live in a world where money is the medium of exchange, whether goods or services. It does not necessarily mean physical cash but digital as well in the form of debit and credit cards. We need IDs for our identity and safety. Therefore it is imperative that we must protect these items and place them in a strong and durable wallet capable of surviving the daily wear and tear. 

     There  are many other designs and materials to choose from. If you do not want leather then you can have carbon fiber, or silicone, or tarpaulin, a tire's interior tube, etc. etc. The designs range from minimalistic to futuristic. There are those that have RFID shielding. You will definitely find a wallet perfect for you and  your precious valuables.

a lot of wallet

     One good way to carry your wallet is to put them in your front pocket and not at the back. There is a lesser chance of getting pick-pocketed if you do that because you will not be targeted. They have nothing to pick on your back pocket and it is not easy to pick from the front.

     Another good way is to carry a Travelambo Front Pocket Minimalist RFID Blocking Medium Size Leather Slim Wallet. It will fit just right in your front pocket, without breaking the bank.

Travelambo Front Pocket Minimalist Leather Slim Wallet RFID Blocking Medium Size
Click image to check it out on Amazon

     While this Trayvax Element Wallet  will not only make sure that your cards are secured but your worries as well.      
Trayvax Element Wallet
Click image to check it out on Amazon
