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Dressing Up to the Occassion

EDC with Style

     Like our clothing we should do our best to match our edc items with the occasion, making sure the theme is consistent and the items complement each other. This can be done while you are still on the early stages of development. Seasoned edc guys knew this already. Once you've decided a certain type of edc style then you can check out your options, search for reviews, and start adding up. Consider the color theme (all black for example), material (titanium, stainless steel, etc.), size and weight(heavy duty, light edc, etc.) and any other factors you might think of that will satisfy your needs or desires.

collection edc items backup

     The key is uniformity. You should have different types of edc collection for different types of days and events. These collections does not necessarily be a complete set, just covering some basics and then mixing and matching. You can either categorize each  of the collection as set for special, regular, or daily edc. Or you can opt to arrange the collection as individual items like for example "set of knives for camping" and "set of knives for daily work" in which you can choose what to mix and match individually according to your taste and mood for the day. Just make sure that you are covering the basics and all items must be carefully considered so that you cannot forget to bring what matters most for any event.

An example of travel edc collection passporrt phone
An example of travel edc collection

      This ongoing process of collecting edc will evolve according to your stages in life. As you dig deeper to the edc community you will be exposed in a world of astonishing collections from various edc enthusiasts which will definitely inspire you to build your own. This is just the tip of the iceberg. 

Tip of an iceberg

