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Why Should We EDC Instant Energy Food?

     With the advancement of  mass production and the proliferation of groceries and convenience stores the concept of instant foods became accessible and readily available on a whim. With a simple call food deliveries are at our doorsteps with the least amount of time. Food is almost at every corner on the street (depending on your location). No problem with that. 

     Why would then carry food supplies when its easy to get what you want to eat? Well, its more of an anticipation rather than desire. You carry an instant energy food like protein bars not primarily because you like to eat it on snack time but because you know that anytime during the day wherever you may be you will get hungry and you need an instant energy boost. 

     Preparation if you want to call it. The concept of edc comes from preparation for the things we do everyday. We need to carry our personal phone because we know communication throughout the day is very much vital in our lives. Surely not all that we carry will be used during the day but when we need it its there with us. We need to eat too then perhaps we have to add food to our edc. Soldiers and athletes know this because of the physical exertion they're going through in their routine.

     It is also definitely a big advantage for you if you ride or commute daily. When you're stuck in the traffic for hours, or got stranded because of road accidents, disasters, or calamities, then you  have a ready food supply to satisfy that hunger so you can keep calm. 

     It doesn't take that much space and effort so why not get into the habit of adding some compact food into your edc considering the fact that it is consumable, you can get your satisfaction anytime anywhere. 

     You can add this RXBAR Whole Food Protein Bar into your edc and you'll be on your way to a more delicious and nutritious snack after a hard work or workout.
RXBAR Whole Food Protein Bar
Click image to check it out on Amazon

    If you want variety in your protein bar then this Pure Protein Bar will definitely do the trick. With Chocolate Peanut Butter, Chewy Chocolate Chip & Chocolate Deluxe Bars to choose from you'll be more than willing to carry it on a daily basis.

Pure Protein Bar
Click image to check it out on Amazon

     We should EDC instant energy food for those critical times that we need quick burst of much needed energy or to simply satisfy our hunger immediately.
