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Starting an Everyday Carry Collection

First things first.

     Even before the internet came into being, edc is already a way of life. Even prehistoric men have their own edc, right?  either a knife, a hammer, bow and arrow, or spear. Its what they carry everyday even if pockets were not invented yet.

     So start with what you already have and then from there build up a nice edc collection that is not only functional but also stylistic and individualized. Let's bring the "Fun" in Functional EDC.

Tier 1 ( Basic EDC )

  • Smart Phone - A very powerful and versatile communication and media device. 
  • Wallet - If you remove "et" you'll be left will just "wall", so restricting. Not good.
  • Keychain - Forget it and you can't access your own secured belongings. Not good too. Always have duplicates then. It also includes allyour keychain tools.
  • Handkerchief - This is for personal hygiene so don't left it out.
  • Wrist watch - A single glance is all it takes. 

Tier 2 ( Additional Functionality )

  • Flashlight - For seeing in the dark. 
  • Multitool - Your portable tools in one.
  • Pen - For writing anything important.
  • Notebook - For keeping ideas, notes, etc.
  • EDC Organizer - For putting your growing edc into order
Tier 3 ( Emergency Situations )
  • Knife - For cutting things, preparing food, etc.
  • First aid kit - For fast treatment of minor injuries or ailments. 
  • Fire Starter - For warmth and cooking.
  • Cordage - For tying, attaching, or fixing things.
  • Belt - For  keeping your pants from falling now that it's getting a bit heavy. It can also be used in emergency situations.

Tier 4 ( Protection from the environment )

  • Eyewear - Don't go blind.
  • Headgear - Protect your head...
  • Gloves - ...and hands too.
  • Umbrella - Protects you  and all that you carry either from getting wet or getting melted.
  • Others - like Self-defense weapons - When circumstances and location pushes you to defend yourself  on a daily basis.
     Only you can decide on what to carry or not. This is just an example. Consider all factors. More on that here. If you have other items not mentioned please let us know on the comments. Thanks!

     Hope you'll have fun and satisfaction while starting your own edc collection.
