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To make sure your pants stays on your waist while you're carrying all your edc stuff.

     It has to be strong, durable, and fashionable. Military specifications for best performance.  Go with added features for more value and usefulness. But the good old leather belt is still very popular. Belts go down in history as a symbol of paternal authority. Today most men and women wear belts for fashion purposes, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have any more things to do other than that. 

     Don't be fooled by the simplistic appearance of a belt. There's more to it than meets the eye. Whereas it is mainly used to make your pants fit well and secured, it can also be used during emergency like securing an improvised splint to immobilize and stabilize a broken bone or injured joints while help is still on the way.

     It can be used to help somebody that fell into a hole, a quicksand, a body of water, a cliff, or anywhere that's deep enough. It will provide additional reach when the arm's length is not enough. 

     Be more than just stylistic, be classy as well with this Dante Men's Leather Ratchet Dress Belt with Automatic Buckle. This belt has an autolock buckle so all you've gotta do is insert and push the belt's end. Releasing is also a breeze, just gently push the lever on the buckle and pull the belt out.

Dante Men's Leather Ratchet Dress Belt with Automatic Buckle
Click to check it out on Amazon

     Looking for  a robust edc belt with the world's strongest and fastest side release buckle? Get this Klik Belts Tactical Belt Heavy Duty 2-Ply Web with COBRA Quick Release Buckle, whether its for you or a gift for someone you know that will definitely be happy receiving this multi-functional edc belt.

Klik Belts Tactical Belt Heavy Duty 2-Ply Web with COBRA Quick Release Buckle
Click image to check it out on Amazon
