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Rain or Shine. It doesn't matter

     What matters is that you are certain that whatever the weather may bring you are always ready. If you live in a place where monsoon rain pours almost daily then it is a necessity. Don't leave home without it or  you'll be soaking wet when you get caught unprepared. Sure, you can always wait for the rain to stop but then you'll loose valuable time. Most taxicab drivers will not go out just to shelter you from the rain from the side walk. Some rain really goes for hours without stopping and same goes for snow.

     Even if its not raining you can still use your umbrella to stay out of the blazing heat of the sun especially if you have sensitive skin or you do not want to tan or it is advised by a medical practitioner. It's an added burden to your edc but the pros outweighs the cons. 

 It can even be used as a self defense tool not only against humans but against dogs as well. If you happen to walk along a street where aggressive dogs abound, ready your umbrella and make sure that within one click it will open instantly so that in case the dogs suddenly bark and approach you the umbrella can be deployed immediately.

     If you are sick and tired of  getting in and out of your car still getting wet by a regular umbrella then this Upside Down Umbrella With C-Shaped Handle can definitely reverse your situation. It will open and close in reverse manner making it easy for you to get in and out of your car without getting wet. And what more, the wet part is on the inside when closed so wherever you choose to place your umbrella will stay dry.

Upside Down Umbrella With C-Shaped Handle
Click image to check it out on Amazon

If you want an umbrella that folds then try this Repel Windproof Travel Umbrella with Teflon Coating. It folds into a small size that can either be placed inside your edc bag or hand carried.

Repel Windproof Travel Umbrella with Teflon Coating
Click image to check it out on Amazon
