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Showing posts from August, 2018

Six ways to open a multi-functional edc lockback knife

     Using each of the fingers with the thumb used twice, we can open a small lockback knife like this Cold Steel Micro Recon 1 Spear Point  . This is a micro functional edc knife with the blade measuring only 2 inches. What separates it from other lockbacks is that is has what is called a 'Triad Lock' which makes sure that the blade will never disengage when deployed and used. Its like you've got a full tang knife in your hands, not worrying that the blade will suddenly or accidentally fold and cut your fingers. A tanto version is also available here . It can be used as a keychain knife, a survival kit knife, or a back-up knife.       The pinkie had a little bit of difficulty opening it but its persistence pushed it through. One hand closing is also demonstrated either with the blade pointing up or down. Notice the rubber ring at the bottom of the knife? it is used for  Pulling out the knife from the pouch. Extending the grip to the pinkie, making it more man

Dressing Up to the Occassion

EDC with Style      Like our clothing we should do our best to match our edc items with the occasion, making sure the theme is consistent and the items complement each other. This can be done while you are still on the early stages of development. Seasoned edc guys knew this already. Once you've decided a certain type of edc style then you can check out your options, search for reviews, and start adding up. Consider the color theme (all black for example), material (titanium, stainless steel, etc.), size and weight(heavy duty, light edc, etc.) and any other factors you might think of that will satisfy your needs or desires.      The key is uniformity. You should have different types of edc collection for different types of days and events. These collections does not necessarily be a complete set, just covering some basics and  then mixing and matching. You can either categorize each  of the collection as set for special, regular, or daily edc. Or you can opt to arran

Starting an Everyday Carry Collection

First things first.      Even before the internet came into being, edc is already a way of life. Even prehistoric men have their own edc, right?  either a knife, a hammer, bow and arrow, or spear. Its what they carry everyday even if pockets were not invented yet.      So start with what you already have and then from there build up a nice edc collection that is not only functional but also stylistic and individualized. Let's bring the "Fun" in Functional EDC. Tier 1 ( Basic EDC ) Smart Phone  - A very powerful and versatile communication and media device.  Wallet - If you remove "et" you'll be left will just "wall", so restricting. Not good. Keychain  - Forget it and you can't access your own secured belongings. Not good too. Always have duplicates then. It also includes allyour keychain tools. Handkerchief - This is for personal hygiene so don't left it out. Wrist watch - A single glance is all it tak

The Feeling of Incompleteness

     Have you ever felt one day that its like you feel naked when one of your edc items were forgotten or just intentionally left behind because you thought you will not need it for the day?And then as if  circumstances arise one by one where you badly needed those items but its not there, and what more? nobody's got them too. Those were the times when you wished you did not forgot or left it behind. You feel irritated, annoyed and disappointed. And those will be the times that will make you remember that you have to carry these items daily for your own personal good.      That feeling of incompleteness is like a sixth sense. It informs you that something is missing, something is not right, something have been forgotten. You complete all your edc before you leave home and then there's the feeling of relief, security, and confidence. You finally found the last piece of the jigsaw puzzle. Now you can rest assured that you can tackle every work for the day and even so


Less space more tools . Choose wisely.      With the advancement of technology within reach coupled with the creative minds of imaginative individuals comes a wide array of multi-functional tools that integrates commonly used items or applications into a single, durable, portable tool.      That's why as much as possible we choose edc items that has more than one use. The swiss army knife for is one of the best example of it. A smart phone can now be downloaded with hundreds of useful apps from thousands more online. Flashlights now come with multi-mode settings and additional sos, strobe, and beacon modes. Some watches have thermometer, barometer, altimeter, moon phases, etc. etc. Pens with whistle, fire starter, and knife. Maybe you only carry five items the most but counting all of the functions sums up to ten and more.      These multi-purpose items saves space and weight making them more practical to carry everyday.

Considerations and Risk Assessment

     Needs versus wants.      Choosing your edc should always be based on needs. If you don't need it you won't carry it with you all the time, unless of course you are  prepared for anything that could happen that's why you carry more items that you may use when the need arise. Anticipation will make sure you won't be caught off-guard when things and events go unmanageable.      Covering the basics gives you just the basics if  it is all you need. A phone. Very minimalistic. You can rely on your friends and relatives for other concerns because that''s always the way it is from the very beginning and that nothing major happened to you up to now.  But if you are of the more self-reliant one and you understand the importance of being prepared anytime anywhere then a minimalistic edc will not suffice.       Risk assessment is also a vital step in choosing your edc items. Location and situation are the most deciding factors. If there is always

The Importance of EDC

      We carry in our daily lives things that we need, use, and make our tasks easier and lighter. There are basic items, sentimental items, additional items, back-up items, luxury items, good vibes items, etc. Some things are important to others while some are not. Every person is unique and so every edc is personalized. Function means use or purpose. Each item fills something that only the owner knows the reason. Even the least item to others maybe the most important one to some. So whatever maybe the reason why we have our very own chosen edc, the fact of the matter is we are happy and confident whenever and wherever we take them.      Choosing your edc items depends on several factors Just cover the basics and then after some time you can assess if you need to upgrade or add more. It really depends on you and your present situation. While others prefer light edc some really feel they need to carry much because of their job or location.